Entries open

Awarding oustanding innovation

The Chemicals Knowledge Awards in partnership with CPhI North America celebrate ethical innovation throughout the Pharmaceutical industry.

Judges in our first-ever Ethical Innovation Awards are looking for the best and brightest – and most socially responsible – in pharmaceutical innovation.

Every year, the World Health Organization (WHO) identifies the top 10 threats to global health. In 2019, this included environmental and social issues such as climate change and vaccine hesitancy, as well as anti-microbial resistance, dengue, Ebola and other high-threat pathogens, HIV and noncommunicable diseases (e.g. diabetes, cancer, heart disease). While some of these are clearly receiving a huge amount of attention in terms of pharma industry R&D, there is a worrying lack of investment in other areas, the most obvious of those being anti-microbial resistance, which is seeing more than one pharma giant cease R&D in this area due to it being a ‘difficult’ field with limited financial return.

At the same time, our world is struggling with unprecedented environmental challenges. Last year, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reported that to keep the rise in global temperatures below 1.5C this century, emissions of carbon dioxide would have to be cut by 45% by 2030. This led to the catchphrase that we had “12 years to save the planet,” and there is no doubt that many organizations – both public and private – are rising to the challenge.

The Ethical Innovation Awards will be taking place during CPhI North America, 10-12 August 2021, in Philadelphia, PA (USA). Nominations for Awards will follow the three tracks of this year’s CPhI North America conference: drug manufacturing, drug development and delivery, and biopharma:

  • Ethical innovation in drug development and delivery
  • Ethical innovation in drug manufacturing
  • Ethical innovation in biopharma.

The deadline for entering is Friday 25th June 2021. Entries will be judged by a world-class panel of CPhI judges, who will consider both the social responsibility and innovativeness of the projects submitted for consideration. All projects must meet the criteria for eligibility* to be considered by the judges; projects not meeting these criteria will be automatically rejected. Shortlisted projects will be invited to the Awards ceremony to make a short presentation.

Enter below - entry closes on Friday 25 June 2021
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Innovation in drug development and delivery

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Innovation in drug manufacturing

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Innovation in drug biopharma

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*Eligibility criteria: all projects considered for these Awards must be ‘innovative’ in the sense that they feature new, advanced and original methods or approaches to addressing an unmet medical need, and they must be ‘ethical’ in the sense that they demonstrate social responsibility in some way. The Awards are open to companies working in the pharmaceutical industry.

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The Ethical Innovation Awards will be taking place during CPhI North America, 10-12 August 2021, in Philadelphia, PA (USA). Nominations for Awards will follow the three tracks of this year’s CPhI North America conference: drug manufacturing, drug development and delivery, and biopharma.

2021 Entry form

    If you are shortlisted for the Award, will you (or one of your colleagues) be able to attend the Awards ceremony to make a short presentation about your project?

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