The current Bio-Based Industries Joint Undertaking (BBI JU), a €3.7 billion public-private partnership between the EU and BIC, ensured that innovation and private investments remained within the Member States, while also attracting investments from outside the EU.
The IPCC report published earlier this week clearly mentions that industry is the key driver for addressing climate change and SDGs, and that CO2 reductions can only be achieved through a combination of technologies, including the use of sustainable renewable feedstock. The report also mentions that public-private partnerships will facilitate these actions.
”Although progress has been made, further action and a stimulating policy framework is needed to leverage private investments. A continuation of a public-private partnership for the bioeconomy under Horizon Europe will be an additional driver, allowing implementation of the updated Bioeconomy Strategy in a sustainable way by mobilising public and private stakeholders, de-risking investments from innovative bioeconomy projects and facilitating deployment of new sustainable biorefineries”, says Dirk Carrez, BIC Executive Director.