EU to vote on neonicotinoids ban on April 27 19th April 2018
The Directorate General for Health (DG Sante) of the European Commission has confirmed that EU Member States will be invited to vote on its proposal to ban all outdoor uses of neonicotinoids on 27 April.
European Commission restricted the use of 3 highly bee-toxic neonicotinoids in 2013. Imidacloprid, clothianidin and thiamethoxam were then banned on bee-attractive crops.
Based on the conclusions from November 2016 from the European Food Safety Authority, DG Sante is putting to a vote its March 2017 aiming to protecting bees.
Based on industry data, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) published in November 2016 new reports highlighting that there is no safe use for bees for these 3 insecticides. Based on these conclusions, DG Sante sent to the Member States a proposal to ban all outdoor uses for these 3 substances in March 2017. Since then, Member States were dragging their feet to support DG Sante’s proposal and several asked to wait for a new EFSA report on new scientific evidence on the toxicity of neonicotinoids to bees. The EFSA published the report in February 2018. DG Sante’s proposal was discussed in the March 2018 Standing Committee on phytopharmaceuticals but no vote took place. Instead of waiting for the next planned meeting on phytopharmaceuticals (24 May), the European Commission decided to speed up the process and present the proposal to a vote in another Standing Committee meeting on 27 April.