Stream Bio shares novel bioimaging probes at BioFocus Conference
Stream Bio Ltd, a company that develops and manufactures revolutionary bioimaging products and molecular probes, today announced the promising development of its revolutionary Conjugated Polymer Nanoparticle (CPN) products at Bionow’s BioFocus Conference.
Bioimaging, the imaging of biological samples, is a popular form of analysis used across life sciences research. Current bioimaging products have weak fluorescence and low sensitivity, often resulting in lost work due to products fading. For life sciences research to advance, enabling bioimaging technologies such as novel labelling and probes are important.1
Stream Bio’s non-toxic molecular bioimaging probes, known as CPNs, are set to transform the bioimaging market by providing immense photostability, highly specific targeting and a magnetic cell purification capability – all while requiring no change to existing lab protocols.
At today’s BioFocus Conference, Stream shared that its CPN products have been successfully up-scaled at the Centre for Process Innovation (CPI), and are set to launch in the coming months. Stream’s innovative CPN products can be used in molecular imaging techniques such as flow cytometry, ELISA, western blotting and lateral flow assays, and will initially be available in four different colours.
Stream Bio’s CEO, Andy Chaloner, who presented on behalf of Stream at BioFocus, said: Bionow’s BioFocus Conference was a great platform to share Stream’s exciting developments and a fantastic opportunity to engage, and share lessons learnt, with innovative Northern life science companies, academics and experts. It was wonderful to hear so many successful business stories, and I look forward to seeing the positive impact our novel CPN molecular probes have on Northern life science research and industry in the near future.” 
BBSRC Strategic Review of Bioimaging (May 2018):