Burcon NutraScience’s Peazazz and Peazac pea proteins have received self-affirmed Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) status, and the company has officially submitted to the US FDA a formal GRAS Notification dossier.
Demand for pea protein is growing rapidly among specialty food companies, as well as large-scale multinational consumer-packaged goods (CPG) companies seeking to respond to consumer demand for more natural and high-nutrition products. Obtaining GRAS status is essential for the acceptance and use of these protein ingredients by leading food and beverage companies, as it removes regulatory barriers for food innovators, ingredient buyers, and mass-market foodservice buyers to use Burcon’s Peazazz and Peazac pea proteins in their products.
Burcon is a pioneer in the development of novel plant-based protein ingredients and has developed technologies for the production of value-added proteins from a variety of plant-based sources including soy, pulses (including pea), canola, hemp and flax. These proteins have numerous applications in dairy-free foods, vegetarian foods, sports and slimming foods, senior nutrition and clinical nutrition.