DKSH announces change in leadership for Consumer Goods business
DKSH announced today that Martina Ludescher, Chief Commercial Officer, Head Business Unit Consumer Goods and Member of the Executive Board, will leave the company to pursue other challenges outside of DKSH. Because of differences in the strategic orientation and the implementation of organizational measures in the Business Unit Consumer Goods of DKSH, the CEO of DKSH, Stefan Butz, and the Head of Consumer Goods have mutually agreed that Martina Ludescher will step down from her responsibilities as of December 31, 2018.
The Board of Directors of DKSH regrets Martina Ludescher’s departure and thanks her for her excellent contributions over the past 16 years in various functions within the company, the last eight years as member of the Executive Board. The Board of Directors wishes Martina Ludescher the very best in her future career.
Until the establishment of a successor as Head of the Business Unit Consumer Goods, Mr. Butz will assume direct responsibility for the Business Unit ad interim.