DuPont launches naturally-sourced powder antioxidant

 DuPont Nutrition & Health has announced its debut of Guardian Toco 30p, a highly effective and label-friendly antioxidant from naturally sourced mixed tocopherols in a powder form. The powder form can help with uniform distribution, handling and cleanup, and application equipment costs and limitations.

Tocopherols are a powerful antioxidant that inhibit lipid oxidation. The advantage over other natural antioxidants is the low sensory impact. Mixed tocopherols can maintain the quality of finished food products over the shelf life, or allow for a shelf life extension. Target applications for Guardian Toco 30p include low moisture foods, such as cereals, bars, and snacks. Manufacturers of cereal and granola brands can now have a convenient, easy-to-use antioxidant protection product when compared to liquid tocopherols, says DuPont.

Other applications would need to be tested. However, mixed tocopherols have potential for use in a variety of applications, including beverages and fruit-based products.